Saturday, September 28, 2013

Steamstock Chicago Stirring up Steampunk via Doc Fantastique!

Nothing spreads Steampunk like a great Steampunk Convention!  This is a shining example that you may want to consider if you ever make it out near the Windy City.  You know... that icon of Diesel Punks, Old Chicago!  This convention appears to be turning heads and changing minds about all forms of Steampunk!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How Do You Dress a Steampunk Dog???

Steampunk dog (via

 I am a dog lover and I usually spend most of my time about finding new dog fashion to make my dogs super cool dudes. I recently found out about a new dog fashion – the steampunk dog! This article also explores what steam punk is, and how to dress…

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Steamfest Australia 2013 - Steam Down Under via Doc Fantastique!

I am always thrilled to hear about great events occuring among our cousins on the other side of the globe.  Take a look at this article about what's been shaking "down under"!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Tesla Motors Uses the Wonder of Modern Inventors to Force Real innovation in Cars Today!

Tesla Could Be Big Disruptor, Says GM – No Kidding (via Clean Technica)

This article originally published on Gas2by Christopher DeMorro General Motors is a company that represents both the endless possibilities of automotive technology, and the “old guard” that often seems just behind of trends in innovation. Under…