Left to Right "Big Machine", Anouk, and Bob of Victor Sierra |
I was recently privileged to interview a band that has been bringing Steampunk Music, almost single handedly it seems, to Paris and the rest of France. When I first listened to their newest album "Electric Rain", my first thoughts were "very fun and very Steampunk!" About the steampunk part, they don't even try to be subtle and that's why I like it so much. About this interview, my first gut reaction when I thanked them for the interview seems very appropriate in describing how it came across and so I will share it with you: What I really like is that it is very candid, personal, and brutally honest! It is also funny one moment and philosophical the next. I
especially laughed when big machine switched from rock star mentality to
one of the most profound definitions of steampunk music I have
encountered to date.
• Could you tell us a little about
the musical backgrounds of the different members of the band and what brought
them together to create Victor Sierra?
Bob: I already was a musician in
my diapers, dancing to the musical programs on the radio, my mother told me. I
have been through several musical trends and I formed several bands. Whatever
style I was in for a while was only a platform for me to evolve towards
something else, to experiment. I moved too fast and I was the engine while all
of my co-members were the brakes. It has been a drag until I met Anouk and we
formed Victor Sierra.
Anouk: My background is
more theatrical than musical. About the band's birth, Bob knows better how
to tell it…
Big Machine : New wave, cold
wave, no wave, 60’s garage punk, blues, electro, ambient, dark ambient and
Krautrock. Victor Sierra was created before I came in but their sound pleased
• When did you first encounter
people in steampunk attire or singing Steampunk related lyrics that was
distinctive enough to really draw your attention and what effect did it have on
Bob: Your question is not funny
but this always makes me smile… When Big Machine joined the band two
years ago, he told us about Steampunk. We had never heard of it before. So we
googled it and all of a sudden we found out that we were not alone, at last…
Everything seemed so familiar to us… The dystopia, the "uchronical"
visions, the outfits ands contraptions, the mix of genres… The encounter of
romance and technology. Victor Sierra has been a steampunk band from the
beginning without us being actually aware. But I would like to mention that
Dieselpunk does attract me, as well. That's how we came to create the
Airship Hydrogen Queen -of which I'm the Commander! I would rather speak of
retro-futrurism. It's yesterday's tomorrow.
Anouk: All at once was there,
clothes, music, jewelery, the universe… At one point we were
suggested we were SP, a click on google to understand what it
was about and we realized we were at the right place, home…
BM : We had
been playing for a while when I realized : Victor Sierra is
a retro-futuristic band. We are Steamers but we don’t know it yet ! It
really changed my life… -_o
• What has been your exposure to
“Steampunk” culture, fashion, lyrics, or style in music and how has that
influenced your own approach to your art?
Bob: Art is vision. Steampunk is
one particular vision where no one ever dies. War is ugly but the image of war
is beautiful. One can make art of it. Courage, audacity, revolutionary
romanticism, all these feelings and mental concepts fill steampunk avenues and
quench my thirst of adventures. Real steampunkers are not dreamers living in
the past. It's a real insight on the world and every aspect of it.
About fashion… in the first
place, wearing high hats clearly don't make you smarter. But it is an
expression of dystopia I enjoy. Many people in the community come from Goth.
I've always found their outfits very conventional and stiff boring, all
one and the same, let alone color. And not an ounce of creativity decade
after decade. Steampunk is much more attractive. The present world is mixed
with the past and what could have been if… What if… (the "what
ifs" are parts of my favorite mottos.)
Anouk: In SP, I found
things meaningful to me and that had been lying in my
imagination for a long time… With SP I have been able to link my passion for
robots, with the one I have for puppets and automatons … until C3PO…
As the band lead singer, and
because I'm a former actress, SP allows me to re-link with the idea of theater,
of characters and costumes … I'm actually addressing the characters in the
songs, sending them signs...
BM : I've known Steampunk
culture for 25 years… I was kinda cyberpunk in the early 90’s. Very much into
technology and computers but Steam culture definitely brought a little bit of
aesthetic into it !
• What other musical groups or
performers, from whatever genre, do you think most strongly influenced you
musical styles?
Bob: Aha, the question I fear the
most… Very difficult to answer. I won't say that nobody influenced
me. I can tell you what artists I love in the steampunk community but whether
it is out of friendship or out of a real artistic influence I could not say…
Vernian Process, Clockwork Dolls, Veronique Chevalier, Escape the Clouds, Dr
Carmilla… and a lot of the artists from the compilation (2 Cds!) Evelyn
Kriete built up around the novel "Blood in the Skies" by G.D Falksen,
which is to be sold with the book.
Anouk: Let me
briefly explain where I come from, musically speaking. My musical culture
dates back to my childhood : "La Chanson Française".
I have a true tenderness for the realistic song "Ã la Piaf".
Perhaps a bit cliché but totally sincere. Then I experienced the big blow of
the New Wave, along with Eastern tunes and central Europe songs that have
a highly emotional impact on me..
BM : Gary Numan’s my hero!
And also Bowie, Bauhaus, Eno, Virgin Prunes, Tuxedo moon, Thomas Dolby and all
the Krautrock movement.
• Everyone has a different
interpretation of “Steampunk” as a musical style, and some even question if the
style is defined enough to be a genre yet, but what makes you think “Steampunk”
when you hear music?
Bob: We eventually have a word to
define an actual universe, not a musical style only. I have been
struggling for years with people asking me what kind of music I was writing
without finding a word that could possibly fit except that of
"universe" and let me tell you that it did sound a bit
preposterous. I read a lot of bullshit on FB groups about it. It reminds me
what people were saying within the techno circles I was involved in a few
years ago. "What kind of instruments are musicians allowed to play?"
and "Can songwriters trespass the boundaries of the Victorian Era in their
lyrics?" etc. I don't give two hoots about whether Veronique Chevalier's
style is different from my friend Allison's from the Clockwork Dolls.
They are steampunk in the mind, meaning able to see several realities
crisscrossing each other, make fun of them and take inspiration from
Anouk: It's a feeling, it's
here and that's it. When I listen to the Clockwork Dolls, I don't need to see
them, it's simply obvious . And what is funny is that although our musics
are very different, we're clearly one of the same family; it strongly showed
when we performed with Frenchy and the Punk in Paris.
BM : It's a journey thru
different cultures and different ages.
• Where would you like to see this
new musical genre go from here?
Bob: I would certainly like
it to keep its "epic" part. Something thrilling you… Uplifting, even
if sometimes lyrics are very sad…The intellectual excitement is
also decisive to me, therefore I hope that steampunk music will be keeping
on thinking hard about how the world could have been… I know that some aspects
will be (and are already) used by some mainstream pseudo artists but we can't
prevent this and therefore I think we shouldn't set too much importance to
that. The world hasn't changed with the internet and the digital way of
buying music. There were people paying for things of poor interest
Anouk: May SP keep on inventing
its own history!
BM : I would like it to
become the next major world trend ! I want to be a steampunk star, have
tons of money, and also nude girls and huge cars in my video clips, ruin hotel
rooms and throw tv sets thru the windows… Somethin’ like that would fit me well
• How popular is Steampunk these
days in France and other countries where you perform?
Bob: Well, first the music. France
is not a country with big musical traditions. Meaning, there is obviously
musical creation but you can't bump on a bar at every corner with a band
mounting its gear at 5 pm. For other aspects of Steampunk, you should refer to
the Lugdunum Steampunk Imaginarium of Lyon where we perform last year. It was
the very first convention ever organized in this country. Many performers,
bands, dancers, fashion designers, circus artists were there. It has been a big
success. But for the time being it's the only one. Let's hope it'll be
the starting-point…
About other countries we have
great expectations in the UK where we'll perform next August. We are setting up
a tour and if Britons read this and want us to perform at their place they can
reach me at: management@victorsierra.net.
BM : I think it’s so popular
that we should live in some other country… Antarctica might well be
more into steam culture than France (aha…)
• Additional: Is there anything
else you would like to add about any aspect of Steampunk music, performance
art, or about Steampunk as a lifestyle?
Bob: Dystopia has always been part
of my songwriting themes. Rather easy to get lost in those particular lands...
Sometimes I hardly make ends meet and after a while, I say to myself: what the
use of being logical... Retro-futurism allows every trick, so let's do it.
Anouk: Another passion: fabrics,
costume, couture! I am beginning a new trip in designing Victor Sierra's
BM : Steampunk is most of
all, a literary culture, every kind of music can be steampunk, it just has to
be a perfect soundtrack for a journey thru different ages and cultures.