Friday, October 22, 2010

Marquis of Vaudville-Steampunk Wonderland Event-January 2011

Marquis of Vaudville-Steampunk Wonderland Event-January 2011

Last night at the Steampunk Illumination Society Meeting, Toby Lawhon, lead singer for "Marquis of Vaudville" announced plans to stage a Steampunk Mini-Convention on Januray 22nd, 2011 at the Curtain Club in Dallas, Texas.  They will, of course, be performing.  Other acts expected to perform are "Master Bones Jangles" (Steampunk Pirate Shantyman from Texas Renaissance Festival), "Vixens of Vaudville", "Circus Freaks", and ourselves, Covenant of Kraken Players.  Details wil be forthcoming when the actual date is confirmed and further details become available.  The venue and the acts have apparently all agreed on everything, but the actual date.  Once again, this is a early announcement not available yet to the general public as it was just announced to the performers and local community last night that those perfoming and the venue have agreed on January, so changes may still occur.  One additional fact of interest is that the venue has an upstairs area that will be designated a "Sky Port Market" where all the airships, and anyone else interested, can set up a vending booth for steampunk related items at an unusually low fee.  (I'll wait on posting the actual fee, but it's less than half of what is typical)  There will also be an "Airship Parade"  on stage, which basically means that any and all steampunk groups, of whatever type, whether airship, sailing ship, steam powered gypsy wagon, steam train, Mongol style hoarde, or just wandering minstrels, will be given the opportunity to be presented formally to the community and to have their special interests, talents, social events, and/or services offered (such as acting, singing, costuming etc.) described to the local community.  There is also some discussion of possibly having an unusual steampunk variant of Alice in Wonderland characters played by actors that circulate the event, but that part is still being worked on.

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